CSRS-AP2023 Call for Abstracts


Call for Abstracts

The theme of the conference is "Cervical Spine, Between Head & Heart". It is a phrase with the desire to reaffirm the importance of the cervical spine that connects the head (Head) that is essential for human beings to be intelligent and the heart (Heart), which is the source of life. We spine surgeons require deep knowledge and broad perspective across the central nervous system, vascular system, and musculoskeletal system. Let’s bring your research results and provide topics for hot discussion.

Abstract Submission Period:
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - Wednesday, November 30 (Japan Standard Time)

1) General Rules

  1. All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English. Please submit abstracts using the Online Submission System by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.

  2. Submission of several abstracts by one author is allowed.

  3. Presenting author (first author) must submit their abstracts by using his/her own account.

  4. Presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the contents of the abstract before submission.

  5. The number of co-authors is limited to 10 persons per abstract.

  6. Author's information including correct e-mail address is required.

  7. Please select the type of preferred presentation and category: 
    A. Oral I (Clinical or Basic Research Study)
    B. Oral II (Case Presentation)
    C. Poster (Clinical or Basic Research Study)
    D. Either Oral or Poster

  8. The abstract should be less than 500 words.

  9. The contents of abstract
    A. "Clinical or Basic Research Study" should consist the following headings:
          ・Acknowledgement only if needed.
    B. "Case Presentation" should consist the following headings:
          ・Basic Information of the Case (e.g. age, gender, occupation: if necessary)
             DO NOT include any information specifying an individual.     
          ・Chief Complaint and Present Illness
          ・Clinical Findings 
          ・Treatment performed
          ・Points to be discussed

  10. No figure, diagram, chart, or reference citation is accepted.

2) Guidelines for Submission

Step 1:
Go to the User Login page through the button “Online Abstract Submission” at the bottom of this page.
Step 2:
Get your user account first by clicking “Get a New Account”.
If you have already had your account, input the log-in ID / PW.
Step 3:
After log in to your Main Menu page, click “Abstract Submission” button.
Step 4: 
Complete the Abstract Information.
Step 5: 
Complete the Body of Abstract Text.
Step 6: 
Check you abstract in PDF format by clicking “check your abstract” button.
Step 7: 
Click “Submit” button after reviewing your abstract.

3) Modification

For modification, withdrawal and additional submission of abstract, please log in with your log-in ID / PW, click "Abstract Submission" on the menu, and edit your abstract by selecting the "Abst No." no later than the above deadline.

4) Confirmation of Abstract Submission

Once submission is completed, you will receive automatically delivered e-mail confirming the receipt of your abstract submission. If you do not receive above e-mail within 24 hours after submission, please e-mail to the Meeting Secretariat (13thcsrsap@jtbcom.co.jp).

5) Review Process

The scientific committee will review all abstracts that are submitted on time and that are in accordance with the specified format. The meeting organizers reserve the right to reject any proposals, type of presentation and category which fail to comply with the submission guidelines mentioned above. Applicants will receive notification of decisions regarding submissions by the mid of January, 2023.

6) Notification of Abstract Acceptance

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their submission by e-mail, by the mid of January, 2023. Further details for accepted presentations will be sent by the beginning of February 2023, indicating the time, session and location of the presentation. If your abstract is accepted, please make sure to pre-register on the official website no later than Tuesday, January 31, 2023 which is the registration deadline for presenting author(s). Unless you register on time, your abstract(s) will not be accepted and not be included in the program book.

7) Key Dates

  • Wednesday, November 30, 2022 (Japan Standard Time)
    Deadline for Abstract Submission

  • by the mid of January, 2023:
    Notification of Acceptance (including the review result and the type of presentation)

  • Tuesday, January 31, 2023 (Japan Standard Time):
    Registration Deadline for Presenting Author(s)

  • by the beginning of February, 2023:
    Notification of Presentation Details (including the session title, date & time and room)


CSRS-AP 2023 Meeting Secretariat
c/o JTB Communication Design, Inc.
CO-creation Department, Convention Unit 2
JTB Bldg, 8F, 2-1-25 Kyutaromachi,Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0056, Japan
E-mail: 13thcsrsap@jtbcom.co.jp


*Please note that [Online Abstract Submission] system requires the separate ID/Password from [Accommodation & Tours] online system.

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