

Abstract Guidelines

All abstracts must be submitted in English using the online submission form available in the below link.

Abstract Submission is Open!Submit Abstract

NOTE: Abstracts submitted by email, fax or post will NOT be accepted. The Congress organizers will not accept responsibility for any abstracts that have not been properly submitted according to the instructions.

Abstract Submission Deadline - 15 May 2022

All abstracts are to be written in English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts where the English structure makes comprehension difficult.


Corresponding authors must provide the organizers with their full mailing address, office hours phone number, fax number and email address. Author and co-author information must be provided including the first and last names of all authors, their department, institution / hospital, city, state if applicable and country. Abstracts must contain original scientific data collected by the author(s). All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to determine whether a submission is accepted as a one of the categories of submission and its decision is final. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts for grammar and clarity. The Abstract may be scheduled for presentation on any day from 18 - 21 January 2023. For any queries please contact the secretariat - ifosdubai2023@wearemci.com

  • The title must be brief, concise, and in CAPITAL LETTERS.

  • Abstract title limit: 20 words.

  • Authors: Please enter your name and your colleagues’ names as you wish them to appear in the Final Program.

  • The Abstract text should have a minimum of 200 words and maximum of 400 words only.

  • The Scientific Committee reserves the rights to redact any submission.

  • Do not include references in the abstract.

  • Do not include keywords in the abstract.

  • Abbreviations should be spelled out, in parenthesis, in its first use in the abstract.

Please check the Session category definitions to understand what category you are aiming to submit your abstract under: Click here

If you are submitting a free paper:

The abstract content:

  • Purpose of the study

  • Materials and methods used

  • Results

  • Conclusion

  • Authors and their affiliations

If you are submitting a roundtable OR a symposium proposal OR an Instructional course:

  • The objective and content of your proposal

  • Purpose of the roundtable, symposium or course

  • Instructor/Panelist's name, nationality and presented topics